Tips for effective letter writing to state legislators and other officials

Contacting a legislator or government official need not be difficult or intimidating. Consider sharing with your association members these simple tips on writing an effective letter to state officials.

Writing to state legislators and regulators is one way you can influence policy makers and educate them on veterinary medicine's issues and perspective. Below are some simple tips that you can use to write more effective letters:

Letters should be written on your stationery or that of your practice. Use your own words and personal examples. Form letters that look alike don't have the same impact.

Even though most legislators have fax machines and email, it's generally not recommended that personal communications be sent this way, unless the legislator specifically requests it, or there is simply no time to send written material by mail or overnight delivery.

Also, be sure to spell check every letter and proof carefully for grammar and punctuation. It wouldn't hurt to ask a colleague to review the letter prior to mailing.

Don't forget your state VMA. They will appreciate receiving a copy of the correspondence and being notified of any follow up. The association can also help you in drafting and reviewing the letter. Keep them in the loop.